reaction listening to a device on/off status to change the on/off track state
I have for a few midi tracks that I use for playing keyboard. I’ve mapped the Device on/off value with led feedback on my controller. But now I wanna that the on/off state of that device to be reflected on ableton track on/off so I can visually see whats on and of without selecting each track.
I’m guessing that this can be done with reactions but I have no idea how.
admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
Do you want a Device’s on/off state to update a track’s state (as in, the track within the UI?)
That would be a user interface to user interface reaction. Ableton blocks these unfortunately.
You can only do controller to UI, or UI to controller reactions.
The exception is clips, which I think do allow for UI to UI updates.
admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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