Reactions for LED Feedback

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I read all that you could read on this forum regarding LED Feedback but aside from device on/off reactions for led feedback there isn’t much to learn from.
From what I’ve noticed the are different settings in order to get led feedback for specific things. For eg. it doesn’t work to apply the “LED Feedback” tutorial to the transport buttons. It just won’t work. I don’t know why and as I was saying there isn’t much help around here.

I think that most of the stuff CSS can do are pretty intuitive but the main thing, the power of the CSS sits in the reactions and the way we could use that. We definitely need more info on how to use them.

I’ve searched everywhere and tried everything I could think to get proper led feedback for:
Track mute on/off
Transport buttons: Play/Stop
Tempo feedback: a way to send LED feedback to the play button based on the BPM

anyway… we need a set of comprehensive tutorials regarding LED Feedbacks. From what I’ve noticed, there are a few other guys on this forum that are struggle trying to get things sorted out.

I would much appreciated if there are users with experience and knowledge willing to give us a hand.

Thank you!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I hear you and just to let you know I’ve been working on a full reference guide for Reactions this week.
As you have already mentioned, there is a lot of power in Reactions so this topic is pretty broad but please be re-assured it’s on the way and will hopefully help answer a lot of questions.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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