Reactions question. Device selection and LED feedback
Hi there everyone,
Excuse the question as a newbie to Reactions trying to build my first reactions script. I’ve watched the videos and tried my hand at some scripts but not much progress.
I have an Novation SL Mk2. The buttons are set to Momentary. There’s only one colour available, Red, 0 is off 127 is on. I want use a button, Say button 9, to select a device on a particular track, light the LED on that button and have it stay on until I select another device using another button. At the moment I just get a momentary flash when I press the button as would be expected from a momentary button. I have set up a script that selects the device (Not in Reactions) but cannot get the LED feedback to happen.
In Reactions
-And what is the correct Reaction sequence to get an LED to stay lit as described above?
-What is the sequence of Action commands that selects a device on a particular track, or a device within a chain?
Thanks for your help
An LED will stay lit unless the button receives another message to turn it off.
Do you have a mapping set to this button? if you do, go into the mapping and turn the LED feedback off as this will likely be turning it on/off.
Hey there! was there a solution to this? I can’t select a device (and highlight it from in a selected track) either from a knob, endless encoder or button. Any advice? thanks!
“-What is the sequence of Action commands that selects a device on a particular track, or a device within a chain? “
In the menu of an Action, you can find the “Select Device” option as follows:
“Live Object Model” >> “Song” >> “Select Device”
Thanks! 🙂
Hi Maikoos,
what is the correct Reaction sequence to get an LED to stay lit as described above?
If you want to have a momentary button act as a toggle button, you’ll need to make sure the Reaction is exited whenever the Velocity Value is 0 (which happens on button release).
To do that, you can make the first Action Block as follows:
If <<Button>> is equal to 0
Exit reaction
What is the sequence of Action commands that selects a device on a particular track, or a device within a chain?
In the menu of an Action, you can find the “Select Device” option as follows:
“Live Object Model” >> “Song” >> “Select Device”
Using the Path Menu, which is accessible through the icon of the gray upwards pointing hand (see pic below) you can point towards the device you want to have selected:
As you can see, there are a lot of options. Checking the box next to “Target device chain” gives you device chain options.
Thanks so much for your detailed reply, Glenn. I’ll have a go with it in the next few weeks.
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Hi there John.
I Cant find any mappings for that button with LED feedback. With commands like “select or go to an instrument” there is no option to add an LED command, I guess because they are momentary type commands.
Is this where Reactions can be used to keep an LED lit when there isn’t an LED option? I think I need to spend a lot more time getting my head around the whole Reactions process. Also the Novation SLMK2 seems to want to do its own thing with its LEDs, unlike the launch control that I also use.