Remove all value listeners and control affectations for a certain mode
I created a controller template using all the controls on my midi keyboard (Alesis V49). I created 4 different modes triggered by the buttons, but, for the first mode (Perform), I need to be able to use the notes and drums pads that are affected to different functions in the other 3 modes. Is there a way to remove all value listeners and control affectations for that specific mode?
Not currently, except via a somewhat awkward workaround of targeting parameters on a Max device that can translate them back to midi; but a few of us have been discussing it and hopefully it will be investigated further:
Am I right in understanding that you started with a controller template in which your keys and pads were defined as controls?
This will intercept all their midi data as you say, unless you remove them.
At the moment it’s “either/or” – either you register them for use in the script, or they bypass the script altogether – unless you want to go to the extra trouble of hooking certain registered controls to the parameters of a Max utility device to convert their values back to midi, in a particular mode.
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