replace text in JSON file to copy reactions for different tracks
In the attached script I’m sending velocity values to pad C20 on my Launchpad Mini MK3. Pad C20 is reflecting the state of relative track4 in the session box.
-if there’s level in track 4 => send specific velocity value (depending on how the track is named) there’s 16 different names for each relative track, so 16 colors
-if track4 is solo => send specific velocity value
-if track4 is mute => send specific velocity value
… and so on
As you can see there are a lot of variables just for track4
I need to replicate this script for 20 more tracks. This means I have a lot of scrolling to do in the CSS app just to repeat the same action: set the track number +1 and set the pad number +1
I tried exporting a JSON file, and use text replace to change pad C20 to C21 and track4 to track5.
To replace the pad I replaced ‘C20’ to ‘C21’
To replace the track I replaced “value”:4 to “value”:5
This works, if i import it again in CSS then all track options are updated to 5 and pads to C21 ..
But it doesn’t work when I upload it in Ableton and it also replaces the ‘4’ to a ‘5’ in the velocity settings and probably also in other places
So long story short:
Is there a way to batch edit simple things in a reaction (like track number or pad number) that all can can be replaced together with the same value? This would save me many hours of scrolling and doing the same thing over and over again …
Thanks for the help!
I made it work by replacing the following text in the JSON file:
[self.track_num(3)] => update the track number
self.midi_note_ch_0_val_59 => update the midi value
C20 => update the pad number
This saved me hours of work in CSS..
I wonder if it would be possible to have a version of the CSS app in ‘excel’ style where you can get to all the parameters quickly tand change them (without all the submenu’s and scrolling around) and also with the possibility to select multiple parameters and copy the same value to the selected parameters..
Anyway, I made it work!
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