Scene Navigation + sel Track Record Question
Hey friends, im still trying to find some more documentation on how to properly write my own lines of code for basic reactions. I’m starting to understand the syntax but there are no resources for the vernacular… are there?
I have two questions.
First, I would like to write a simple reaction to listen to a button on my midi controller and when pressed, start recording into a clip on the selected track.
second I have a 1×4 scene/track session box set up. I have the navigation set up on my foot controller such that one button incrementally steps down and the other steps up scenes by 1.
I would like the scene navigation to also highlight the horizontal row of clips such that when I navigated to scene X (lets say 4 for example) on my session box and pushed that selected track record button, the clip that would start recording would start on the scene that I have highlighted with this session box.
Thanks in advance for the help!
Hi Ky,
for the first one:
listener: midi controller > ‘select the button you want to use’
action: live object model > clip slot > fire
open in the path menu (the hand icon) and choose the selected track and clip slot number
Record length: choose the fixed length to record for, i,e 4.0 is 1 bar
Launch Quantization: set it to 0 for global quantization
For 2, to use the session box’s position as the scene number, you would need to switch the reaction to custom coding and enter the following piece of code inbetween the brackets: self.get_sessbox_scene_offset()
See the attached screen shot.
Hi Ky,
I answered your ‘clipslot fire indefinitely’ question in another topic here:
But for completion, here it is:
With ‘clip slot > fire’ chosen as the action, switch it to ‘custom code’ and remove anything that is inside the round brackets:
change this>>>[0].clip_slots[0].fire(4.0, 3)
to this >>>>[0].clip_slots[0].fire()
See the attached screenshot for a bit more clarity.
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