Script works as intended on my mac, but not on my PC

393 viewsCSS Questions

Hey there!

So, I’m starting to love CSS. It really seems like it was the solution I was looking for.

Most importantly, I managed to script a delete button on my APC20, like I had on my Novation Launchpad.

The command goes like this: “When button 299 is pressed” do this:

The problem though is when I transferred this to my stationary windows PC, it doesn’t work. It doesn’t seem like launching a clip will highlight it, like it does on my mac, and it doesn’t delete anything when I press button 299. The midi settings are correct.

I’m also having trouble with and undo command that I implemented with a shift button.

When I press the scripted undo button on my mac, it only does it one time per press of the button, on my PC it does it twice. One time for note on, and one time for note off.

Any suggestions?

Best regards

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi Sitrusfrukt,
Great to hear you are getting along with CSS! I love it too.
Thanks for the share!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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