Selected Parameter Listener Bug
Hey Hey, Back again with another bug.
For context, my controller has no buttons, just 8 endless encoders that send 10 bit messages shifted up to Pitch bend messages.
So what I am doing is using changes of the selected parameter to change the function of the knobs.
Sadly there is a bug when with the Selected Parameter Listener ( ) when selecting parameters in devices.
Selecting mixer parameters works, but device parameters only work once and then stop working until Ableton is reloaded.
Hello again tebgeronimo,
This could be related to a larger issue we have been investigating recently.
We will test this too, but just to let you know, it may take a little while to resolve.
Hi, maybe not the exact same problem but I see something similar using “[1].add_value_listener”. Is this related ? Also using a modifier build from a custom list for the parameter number doesn’t work reliable or at all. Regards, mj
Hi, any news on that ? A value listener for device parameters of a selected device still doesn’t work until I click one of the device parameters and make it “selected parameter”. Then suddenly also all the other device parameters work in a reaction to send out parameter values (as midi sysex). Regards, mj
So it seems, that also the “selected device listener” doesn’t work as expected. “Appointed device listener” seems to be ok ?
John C – Wed, 04/06/2022 – 09:50
Hello again tebgeronimo,
This could be related to a larger issue we have been investigating recently.
We will test this too, but just to let you know, it may take a little while to resolve.
Would be nice to know if this has been solved or not yet ?
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it seems that this bug still exists, right?