Session box question
When clip slot empty, the led is bright, when the clip in clip slot, the led become black, which is very strange, is there any way to change the settings?
I’m new on CSS, My controller is Livid DS1.
Hi zqpm1qaz,
We will be adding custom LED settings for Session Box soon.
In the meantime, you can set them directly in the script .py file (in your MIDI Remote Script Folder) by uncommenting the 14 lines which begin with:
##for scene_index in range(num_scenes):
You can add a custom Velocity value for each state on these lines:
## clip_slot = scene.clip_slot(track_index)
## clip_slot.set_triggered_to_play_value(4)
## clip_slot.set_triggered_to_record_value(5)
## clip_slot.set_record_button_value(6)
## clip_slot.set_stopped_value(7)
## clip_slot.set_started_value(8)
## clip_slot.set_recording_value(9)
To uncomment, remove the 2 hashes on each line ##,
Then change the velocity values, save the file, reload Ableton.
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