Set swing amount
Hello there, Peepz!
The Apc 20 controller script of my dreams is coming along amazingly. I truly had no idea of the power CSS was capable of. I cannot recommend it enough, although the learning curve is steep.
As of now there is really nothing but one thing missing, which is a way to set swing amount for record quantize.
So, if I’ve tried to simply map the to slider 9’s latest velocity value on my APC 20. This does not work. I’ve also tried this using value from ranges, but I’m just not getting any swing when I quantize.
This is how it looks: = self.midi_cc_ch_0_val_14.cur_val
I’ve also tried mapping swing amount to a button, but still no bueno.
This should work on both record quantize and requests to quantize, both in the script and manually in live, right?
What am I doing wrong?
Any help is much appreciated!
The best
So sorry for not answering your question!
Although this code looks correct:
Its range goes from 0.0 to 1.0
So attempting to apply the velocity value directly to it will cause an error = as this goes from 0 – 127.
You will want to use the ‘get value from ranges’ setting. This will transform the range of your slider into a suitable range for the swing amount.
See this tutorial for all of the details:
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