setting the grid quantization value with an encoder

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hi, is it possible to select the grid quantization value as you shown for the clip trigger quantize by turning an encoder and so select 1/16, 1/8 ,1/4 grid with the encoder?

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi benwadub,
I am aware that it is not the most elegant solution but this works: = self.get_value_from_ranges(False, 5, False, self.midi_cc_ch_0_val_59.cur_val, 0, 127, 0, 7, 11, 0, False)
if == 8: = 7
if == 10: = 9

Change the numbers of ‘midi_cc_ch_0_val_59’ to your encoder’s values and you’re good to go 😉

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Tbh, I was going to start my answer by asking which kind of quantization you meant, but after reading your question again, I assumed it was ‘clip trigger’ 😉
Anyway, the only manipulation I know of for quantizing the grid in midi clips are the shortcuts CTRL+1 & CTRL+2 on your keyboard, These work really well, I use them from time to time.
I am aware that is not the answer you were hoping for, but it is the closest I can get..

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I was just browsing the LOM and saw the grid quantization option. I must have missed it the other time.
So I made you a .json file that lets you select the three options with a knob 🙂

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

You are welcome!
Actually, I was just browsing the LOM in ‘Reaction’, like in the screenshot.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi benwadub,
I made that script for an absolute control type knob.
Here is an adjusted script for a Relative control type knob.
It’s a custom script, so you will have to change the two numbers (midi channel and CC) of each ‘self.midi_cc_ch_0_val_56.cur_val’ to match the numbers of your encoder.
Have fun!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024