Setting up a Dictionary in a Modifier
Hello everyone,
Yesterday, with the help of this tutorial, I was able to add custom methods to a CSS script.
Today I wanted to use this knowledge for a custom modifier setup.
from types import MethodType if type(self.get_modifier_value("m20")) != dict: self.set_modifier_value("m20", {}) def setMod(self, key, value): self.get_modifier_value("m20")[key] = value def getMod(self, key=None): if key == None: return self.get_modifier_value("m20") return self.get_modifier_value("m20")[key] self.setMod = MethodType(setMod, self) self.getMod = MethodType(getMod, self)
The code first creates a dictionary at Modifier m20 (if no dictionary is already present).
Then the code creates 2 new methods:
– self.setMod(key, value)
– self.getMod(key)
With the method self.setMod you can add a key/value pair to the dictionary.
With the method self.getMod you can get the value from a given key inside the dictionary.
This way, you’re able to store as many named modifiers as you’d like.
Setting up a Reaction with this code
- Create a new Reaction, at the top of your list of Reactions.
- Use “Script –> script is initialised” as your Listener
- Add the custom code to the Action of your Action Block
- Save the Reaction
After that, you can use the self.setMod and self.getMod methods inside custom code in other Reactions.
I’ve added 2 json files to this post, both are singular Reactions:
– The file “Modifier Dictionary Setup” contains the code in this post all set up and ready to go.
– The file “Modifier Dictionary Tests” contains a Reaction called “TESTS” that demonstrates the methods.
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No, I hadn’t really looked into Lists yet. But to be honest, I hadn’t really needed to iterate over multiple objects in a custom list. Up to this point I just used Modifiers to store single data pieces.
I thought a dictionary might be useful because then I don’t need to remember what Modifier I used for what piece of data, I can use a name that’s easy to remember for me. Plus, it allows me to store more than 20 mods (if that’s ever needed).