Solo Selected Tracks that behaves like ableton Solo button
Hi guys,
I made this test Solo Button script (that I actually tried and it works).
I was wondering if somebody knows a better and slim way to implement this type of solo.
Basically that’s how it function:
Selected track is Solo > Unsolo all other tracks > Solo selected track
Selected Track is Unsoloed > Unsolo all other tracks
Selected Tracks are all soloed > Unsolo all the tracks
Selected tracks are mixed Soloed or Unsoloed > Unsolo all the tracks > Solo all the selected tracks
This kind of way of functionality is the same with Arm.
The script is attached if somebody wants to take a look at it and build some collaborative scripting.
The need for this script was born when I noticed that if I select exclusive solo in the Ableton preferences it only works with the mouse, not with the controller.
I checked if on the script there was a similar option but I found it only in the condition block in reaction, not in the actions!
Thanks in advance, let me know if you don’t understand some passages.
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