[SOLVED] Controlling Audio FX Rack with Kenton KillamIX
Hi, I am new to CSS (desktop app)..
I have an Kenton KillaMix Controller (9 Encoder, 9 Buttons, 1 Joystick), which can send MIDI on different channels. I want to control the 8 Macros in an Audio FX Rack whith track following. Already have an working css_sript for 8 sends on MIDI channel 1,
DId not find the way to do this.
Any hint appreciated.
|| Klangschmied ||
Hello, we’re glad to have you on board 🙂
Here’s a video on there various ways that you can control devices / device parameters / macros: https://youtu.be/SSfaVfDqt7M
Also, see our step by step guide: https://remotify.io/product/control-surface-studio/documentation/step-by…
You can use a reaction mapping to do that.
The action you can use is ‘live object model > device parameter > set value’
In the path menu is a check box to ‘target device chain’
See screenshot attached.
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