Some CC Messages are ignored

584 viewsCSS Bugs


I have a strange problem that seems to be a bug, I guess:
On my Midi-controller I have a lot of pads that are configured to send Midi CC messages.
In CSS I added Pads in my Controller-template and configured them as type CC and switch-type toggle.

But some of them are not working – for example with CC value 120.
I can test that with a simple script:
I added a mapping and used Pad1 (Midi type: CC / Midi Channel = 14 / Midi Value = 122) -> everything works
Now for the same mapping I switch to Pad2 (Midi type: CC / Midi Channel = 14 / Midi Value = 120) -> the script is not working anymore

All pads are configured the same way, except the Midi-Value (Midi Type and Midi Channel stay the same)
Can someone confirm this?

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I have a very customizable controller (Electra.One) and there I defined a lot of toggle buttons that send custom CC messages (in my case I use CC values 90 – 127 on channel 14)
Most of them are working correctly, but for example CC Value 104 or 122 dont work.
Perhaps ableton is blocking them? Can someone try both CC values?

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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I don’t know why. But today everything is working like expected… 🙂
Thanks for your support anyways!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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