Some features requests…
So I’m trying to build a fully featured DJTT MIDI Fighter Twister controller in CSS and have come across some things that would make creating such a beast possible and easier:
1. The controller has 16 physical knobs, but can be arranged in 4 banks, which makes a total of 64 ‘knobs’ to program and control. So far, so good…but because the controller supports the knobs having a 2nd output (the ‘super knob’ function), that doubles the count to 128 knobs, which is (as you know) 28 more than what’s supported by CSS. This makes building such a controller impossible.
2. Custom names for knobs and whatnot. Given the above scenario, it would make more sense to someone opening and using this new controller for the knobs to be named something like “Knob 1” (for knob 1) and “Knob 1 Super” (for the knob 1 super function), and instead of knob 1 and knob 65 (or 17 or whatever number the controller creator picks). Same for faders and the other types.
3.The ability to drag and re-arrange the order of items in both the controller and scripts listings. For the controller this would prevent me from having to start from scratch because I didn’t know you couldn’t do such and created Knob 1 before Knob 65, which now means in the visual interface knob 65 will always be on top of knob 1 which doesn’t work visually.
(Side note: Assuming the issue with me exporting and importing JSON files is resolvable, could I just rearrange/renumber the items in said JSON file to fix issue #3?)
As to proposed solutions to the issues listed above:
1. Please consider upping the number to 128 (or 256) for the listed item types.
2. Being able to give controller items custom names (like in the scripts area) would resolve this one.
3. This would allow for layering items (like the example DJTT file) without having to redo everything if one were to forget to add a knob in the correct order, and would allow for more experimentation without having to start from scratch if a mistake is made.
4. If #1 was implemented and then #3, I would have to completely redo the controller (unless the side note answer is yes). If the answer is no to the side note, then please consider this to be a request for allowing such to be done (by hand, not in CSS).
Even with the above, I am really enjoying the product and must say thank you very much for creating it. I am also looking forward to the new and improved LED feedback interface and other proposed improvements listed in that thread.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for all of your feature requests, I’m happy to say that we have already been developing the majority of them for the next update.
“1. Please consider upping the number to 128 (or 256) for the listed item types.”
This can be done, I will ensure that we up the number further.
“2. Being able to give controller items custom names (like in the scripts area) would resolve this one.”
Unfortunately this isn’t something that will be possible.
“3. The ability to drag and re-arrange the order of items in both the controller and scripts listings.”
This is already being developed and will be available in the next release!
“sidenote: could I just rearrange/renumber the items in said JSON file”
The order that mappings & controller inputs display is mainly dictated by the order in the json file, so in theory you could do this (we won’t support any undesired behaviour by doing this however).
“5 & 6 Multi selection”
Due to the way the App is currently developed, this won’t be possible. Your suggestion has been noted though.
“7. The standard keyboard shortcuts for copy, paste, and delete.”
Yep, this is in the next version.
“8. Please consider making ‘enter/return’ on the login screen default to activation the login button.”
Probably won’t make it into the next version, we have made a note of this.
“9. Remembering the login info (with a checkout for said option).”
This is in the next version.
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