Stevan’s CSS Controller Template for DJTT Midi Fighter Twister
Greetings artists,
I’m posting this here in case someone is looking for Twister template for all four banks. The CSS comes with built in Twister template for the single bank and no side buttons. I expanded controls to all four banks (plus bank side button Notes)
Attached you will find the .json file.
Since it is not possible to upload .mfs files (midifighter settings) ensure to set your Twister to default settings (in MFU) to match channels and CC’s for this template.
Switch Action Type is “CC Hold”
Encoder MIDI Type is “CC”
Have fun!
shoggs Answered question June 21, 2024
If you open the json file there are a bunch of “null,” entries. I removed these and the template loaded ok. Not sure why they are there
shoggs Edited answer June 21, 2024
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