Toogle Button for “active Send”

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Hey, i found this tool and was very very excited about it. Finally i can customize the akai apc 40 mk2.
But after searching for solutions and try so many things i stuck…

What i want:

1. I want to us one button to select a send from one specific track.
2. This button should toggle through the available sends. For example i have three sends. So every time i trigger the button i go from send A, to send B, to send C, send A, … and so one. So it should be a loop.
3. For each button press i want a uniqe led color, so send a = red, send B = blue, send C = green.
4. Each time i selected one of the three sends i want to use everytime the same “endless encoder” to set the value of the selected send.

So that i actually use one button and one endless encoder to set the send value of each avaliable send per track.

Is this possible?

Other solution would be to have different modes, but i would like to have the option to choose, for examle on track 1, send a and on track 2 send b.

Thank you for any reply 🙂

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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