Track as M1 value, the feedback LED does not work

399 viewsCSS Community Scriptsled feedback modifier

Hello, I’ll come back to you. I just saw that I’m not the only one having this problem. Indeed when we create a modifier that we assign to a track. If we create a track select button with value M1, the feedback does not work. I am attaching the script to you. This is for an XL button launch control in momentary CC. I tried putting in toggle it’s the same. On the other hand, if I set the button to track select = 1, the feedback LED works. I hope you have a solution. THANKS

gwen971 Posted new comment December 3, 2024

Have you assigned a numeric value to the m1 modifier before pressing the button to select the track? Do you see any errors in the log when try to fire this function

Good morning. To explain to you how to assign a value to M1 I do it like this.
– The script scans the tracks and puts in a list all the track numbers containing “mix” in their name.
– Then I assign to M1 the value of the first item in the list then the second for M2 etc…
– If I change the names of the tracks or their position by pressing button 23 it updates the list and therefore the values ​​of the modifications.
So I don’t really give a numerical value to M1 M2 etc… In the log I have no error. I hope you can enlighten me. Thanks in advance

Hi, i assigne loop iteration number as value for m1 modifier, it’s good?