Track name change listener, not responding

686 viewsCSS Bugs

Hell again! So many questions during these holiday times. =) I could be wrong but this feels like a bug somewhere…

I can’t seem to use “Selected track’s value has changed” as a listener in a reaction.

This is my test action, show the selected tracks name and that works fine when using a button press as listener:

But this as a listener won’t make it run:

..this is not my actual script but i wanted other stuff to happen anytime the selected track is renamed.. should work, right?

The screenshot is form my actual script that I want to run on initialization or whenever a track is moved, added, renamed etc etc and the renaming part doesn’t do much.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

I just checked this and you’re right.
The selected track listener is stuck to whichever track is selected when the script first initialises.
I will make a note of this to be investigated.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Bringing this back up as i just created another topic around that same problem.

What i can understand for this issue is that it is a listener so that needs to be created and must point to a specific object in live. As opposed to an action that gets the value of the currently selected track and is working just fine. We would need to be able to insert logic for adding AND removing listeners on the fly and the ability to write actions reacting to the newly created listener and not only the one initialized on init().

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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