Track numbering
I’m wondering if there is a way to ignore tracks inside groups completely when numbering them, no matter if they are folded or not? See the included image for example.
It seems that I can either get numbering that changes when tracks are unfolded, or just count every single track (“Include folded tracks”) but I wanted to count just the main group tracks and any track that’s at “root” level. At the moment I’m doing this at initialization:
self.set_modifier_value(“m1”, 0)
self.set_modifier_value(“m2”, 4)
self.set_modifier_value(“m3”, 8)
self.set_modifier_value(“m4”, 12)
self.set_modifier_value(“m5”, 16)
self.set_modifier_value(“m6”, 17)
self.set_modifier_value(“m7”, 18)
..and this works fine for my current project, starting with four groups and then a few single tracks, but if I would add or remove a track inside any of these groups it would be all wrong.
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