Track selection/looper

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I was wondering if anyone knew a way to select a track with a button, THEN use the same button to engage a device parameter, but only after the track is selected.

I have a Nektar Pacer set up so the bottom 6 foot switches can select tracks and the same switches are mapped to the looper multi button. At the moment, recording begins on selection. I would like to be able to select the track and only engage the looper following the track selection.

Sorry for repeating myself. I’m new to Remotify, so still getting my head around it all!


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi smunday,

The first thing I think of is adding an “Action” when you press the button for selecting the track –> ‘script’ – ‘set active mode’ (set this as last “Action” in your “Reaction”)

Copy the current “Mode” to a new one and in that “Mode” you change the script for that button to engage the device parameter you want.
By copying the “Mode” you will have the same functionality on all your other inputs. If you don’t need that, then you can just create a new “Mode”

So for example:
– in “Mode 1”, “Knob 1” is programmed to select a track and to change to “Mode 2”
– in “Mode 2”, “Knob 1” is programmed to engage a device parameter, here you can also choose to go back to “Mode 1” by adding the “Action” –> ‘script’ – ‘set active mode’ again

Hope this makes sense to you.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi smunday,
I did not read the second part of your original post well enough, so I only answered the first part, I’m sorry for that.

If I understand it correctly, you first want to select a track to record to by tapping a foot pedal and then tap a second time on the same foot pedal to start recording (so activating the looper multi-button)

There might be another simpler way, but here is what I got this far..
So then you would need 7 modes;

  • “Mode 1” when pressing a pedal, it arms a track and another mode is chosen depending on track you have chosen.
  • “Mode 2” is the looper multi-button for track 1 (pedal 1).
  • “Mode 3” is the looper multi-button for track 2 (pedal 2).
  • “Mode 4” is the looper multi-button for track 3 (pedal 3).
  • “Mode 5” is the looper multi-button for track 4 (pedal 4).
  • “Mode 6” is the looper multi-button for track 5 (pedal 5).
  • “Mode 7” is the looper multi-button for track 6 (pedal 6).

Once in modes 2 to 7 you will need to be able to arm other tracks. When you are for instance in Mode 2 and press pedal 3, it should arm track 3 and change to “Mode 4”.

I can imagine it is a little overwhelming.
Some tutorials that I recommend:

After watching and trying out those tutorials, things will make more sense. I know it did for me! 😉

I also prepared a script for three foot pedals (which I haven’t tested with a looper yet), just so you can have a look around.

Good luck!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

Hi smunday,
Glad Live 11 is working as it should again.
You are right, I also can’t get the multi-button to work..
I do think it is parameter 1 that should be triggered, but for now, I only get it to clear the looper, which is not what we are after.
Let me dive a little deeper into it.
Till soon!

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hello again,
I did get it working but there are some flaws..
First Ableton has to be in Play mode.
And then also: the multi-button doesn’t work the same way via Midi Remote Scripting as it does in Ableton using mouse clicks..
The looper has 4 states, which means you would need 4 buttons to be able to use all of them.
The numbers for the states are:
0 = Stop
1 = Record
2 = Play
3 = Overdub
By using the adjacent numbers you can use 2 states in one button. So you can have “Stop/Record” on 1 button or “Record/Play” or “Play/Overdub”

In short, it is not perfect, alternatively you could also use a dummy clip and have the envelope of the looper state in it but that creates similar and other problems.

Anyway, in the screenshot hereunder you can see the settings for controlling looper’s Record and Play in one button.…

I really hope this already helps to some extent.
To be continued..

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi smunday,

Yes, having 4 dedicated pedals for each state is fairly easy to program. Although it has its pros and cons; you can very easily switch to any state! But you’ll have to train more muscle memory in order to make no mistakes while performing live.

Your second solution is partially possible; you could exclude some inputs from your ‘Controller Template’ and use those for midi mapping but you won’t be able to get feedback on those inputs via CSS because they will not be included in your script. You could use the LED feedback of the inputs that are included in your ‘Controller Template’.

But I came up with something better!! A script that will let you loop through the 4 states of the looper’s Transport Button 🙂
Bear in mind though that Live has to be in Play modus in order for the looper’s Transport Button to work..
I am not sure whether it is an Ableton API or CSS thing.

Anyway, you can try it out with the script hereunder. By default the script has the same state flow as the looper device, you can change that in the script if you want to. 😉
EDIT: good to know: the script loops through the states with each press of the button.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024