unfold / fold a track in hightlight navigation and navigate into group
I use 2 buttons to navigate in the tracks, one button which increments to move to the right in the tracks and another button to move to the right in the tracks
The problem is that when I position myself on a track with folder groups, the track does not ungroup
I can’t navigate the group’s tracks
Is it possible that once I position myself on a track the track ungroups and that I can navigate inside from right to left?
Thank you in advance for your response
A little update on the progress, here’s another video.
It’s almost ready but I have still a little kink to work out, but I’ve got to go to work in a couple of minutes so I’ll do it tomorrow.
I did have to create a new Reaction to go to the left (decrement) with because simply using the Highlight Navigation mapping always throws an error when you go left to an invisible track.
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