Updating knob position on infinite knobs for Behringer X Touch Mini
Hi !
I have a problem with the script I installed for my Behringer X-Touch Mini.
The controller looks like this, basically (from top to bottom):
8 infinite knobs with led feedback (like the midi fighter twister)
16 buttons
Essentially I made a matrix of 16 mode selectors, mapped to the 16 buttons
Each mode being a different sampler in a drum rack
That makes it possible to control the 8 macros of the selected sampler
From the 8 infinite knobs
The basic idea works fine,
However, the problem I’m facing is that the LED indicators are not updating with every mode selection, they stay absolutely fix, no matter where the macro parameter is in reality, and they only update when I turn them
So that behaviour makes the parameters jump and make it unusable for performance!!!
For example,
My kick’s volume is at -6b
From the kick mode, I make the volume go up to 0db
Then proceed to switch to snare mode
Say the snare is actually at -12db
The updating of the LED feedback does NOT occur
I still wanna change the volume of the snare but then it just jumps to the 0db that was left from controlling my kick!!
Any way I can fix that?
Thanks in advance
“For the velocity values, they change as I turn the knob from 0 to 127 progressively. Currently my knobs are set to Absolute values. Should I change that?”
If your knob sends velocity values 0 to 127 then yes it should be set to Absolute.
“I was able to change the behaviour of the knobs with the takeover mode, which I had never tried before, but it doesn’t quite fix the problem.”
Did you try both ‘pickup’ and ‘value scaling’? can you explain the behaviour of your knob with these?
You can find the Reactions Reference Guide here:
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