Using custom LED Feedback on a Toggle Button makes it behave unnatural

459 viewsCSS BugsBug button mapping toggle

The user R. encountered strange behavior with a button mapping and I think it might be a bug.

The Problem

The button needs to send out a Toggle CC + mapping and template need to be set to toggle, for this problem to occurr.
When setting LED Feedback to Custom, the Toggle behaves unnatural.
Instead of the usual 2 presses (one sending a value of 0, the other sending a value of 127), the button now needs 3 presses before returning to its cycle.

  • If On value = 127 and Off value = 0, then you need to press twice on the Off value before the cycle resets.
  • With reversed values you need to press twice on the On value before the cycle resets.

Using MIDI Learn, you can see that CSS doesn’t register a change in value every third press.

This happens both with a Default and a Custom Control Override (in section 4 of the mapping)

More info

See the comments made by R. and Glenn on August 20th and 22nd in this post for more info:

Sending On/Off Values to a Send encoder in Ableton

R. also made another post about it in the Questions category:

LED Feedback Functionality Issues – Changes Button Type


The added script contains a mapping that produces this problem, it’s set to work with the MIDI Fighter Twister template.
The top-left button on the controller is being used for it, so this one needs to be set to Toggle.

JohnC Posted new comment August 23, 2024
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Awesome, thanks for the full detail Glenn