Using encoders with Ableton’s blue hand

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I’m really struggling to get my controller’s 8 encoders linked to the “blue hand” functions in Ableton LIve 10.1. From what I can tell there’s no “mode” to do this, so I’m guessing you just have to add them as Endless Encoder 1, 2, etc, but it’s not working. Is there anything else I need to do, to get the encoders to map to the blue hand functions?

My controller is an Arturia KeyLab 49 Essential, it actually has a remote script included in Ableton, but the encoders only control the “pan left/right” for each of the 8 tracks, which just seems so useless. I tried manually creating the UserConfiguration.txt but could not get it to work. Then I bought CSS because it looked like this would allow me to solve the problem.


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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Hi there Dan, firstly have you setup your controller with all the correct midi messages and midi channels?. There’s a tutorial on how to do that. I would recommend watching all the tutorials. Follow the link below to a similar question about the blue hand I had a while ago. There’s a lot of stuff relevant to my setup but further down we get into how to get the row of 8 encoders to work with whichever device is selected. See johns reply. Mine are working after I followed Johns instructions…


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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