Wet / Dry function for controlling Ableton send with button



First and foremost I am brand new to this app and this site. It’s been exciting starting my script and most things have come natural so far but I hit a little bump and was hoping to get a guiding hand.

I am trying to let the button on my Faderfox PC12 control send A & send B giving inverting values to both and creating a switch between sending a 100% to A & a 100% to B. The channel A is a dry return channel and channel B a Wet channel letting me send instruments in and out of the FX channel with one button.

I tried to set this up in CSS but for some reason I am only getting the send to react to the OFF value of 0, meaning when I hit the button first time nothing happens, and when I hit it again the send goes to 0.

I am sure this is something easy to fix so forgive me for that, and if there is another post / manual I can locate the answers to this please do refer me to it.

All the best,


JohnC Answered question January 16, 2025

A button may only trigger an Ableton function when 0/off is received when:
1. the button is setup as ‘momentary’ either in the controller template or in the ‘control override’ section of the mapping.
2. the ‘on’ velocity value setting of the button isn’t being sent by the button when you press it (you can see the received velocity value in the bottom right corner of CSS).
The ‘on’ and ‘off’ velocity values which the mapping uses can also be set either in the controller template or this can be overridden in the mapping’s ‘control override’ section.

JohnC Answered question January 16, 2025