Where is the users sharing page?

387 viewsGeneral

Is there not a page or post dedicated to just sharing scripts yet?

It would be cool to come in and browse through users personally built scripts and then download or maybe even go out and buy a new controller for the script you download.

I would like to share my Kontrol F1 script I made but also would like to see if anyone has made any progress on the Maschine Jam template someone posted a while back.

A sharing link something similar to the Reaktor user forum or the DJ techtools
Controller mapping pages.


admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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We don’t have anything at the moment for user built scripts.
If people are keen to share their creations, we more than happy to do something for it.
It could be as simple as a section on this forum for them (the same as controller templates), a section on the website (like DJTT’s controller mappings) or it could even integrate directly inside CSS.

It all depends on the amount of people willing to share.

In any case, if you want to share your F1 script, feel free to create a topic on here for it 🙂

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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