Ableton LiveCtrl

490 viewsCSS Controller TemplatesAbleton controller

Hi, this is my attempt for an Ableton Live controller as “extension or parameter display” for the mighty MIDI Fighter Twister. But it also works standalone as Open Stage Control touchscreen controller.

The buttons in “MFT Ctrl” let’s you select, which parameters (volume and mute, device parameters 1-16 or fx send levels) should also be controlled by the MFT.

There seems a limitation in CSS that it doesn’t provide the “blue hand” functionality. So you also need to select another controller that provides the “blue hand”. In my case this is a Novation Launchpad that I use anyway to play Ableton Live clips or instruments. (this functionality has been added to the scripts, see comment from John)

In the zip you find all the necessary files for the MIDI Fighter Twister, Open Stage Control and Control Surface Studio/Ableton remote script:

I have no programming skills, it’s not finished and I wouldn’t promote it as “live” ready ! But I also don’t find the time to further work on it at the moment. So I thought I load it up the way it is – maybe you can use it, improve it or take some ideas out of it for your own templates.

Please consider sharing your ideas and improvements for the controller community.


MartinJ Changed status to publish September 16, 2024

“There seems a limitation in CSS that it doesn’t provide the “blue hand” functionality…”
The blue hand is now added to our scripts. Just re-generate your script and you should see it.

Also, in the script settings menu there is the option “Device Selection Follows Track Selection”. Turning this on means that the bluehand will auto switch to the selected track when you change.

MartinJ Posted new comment September 16, 2024

Hi John, wow that’s cool and I’m deeply sorry for my misinformation. I’ll correct my comments right away. Regards, mj