Automapping layers
I’m an absolute noob and I would like to ask for assistance to set up layered macro automapping.
For instance, my controller would get automapped ( Xtouch mini / Midimix) to the first 8 macro on a device, then switch to the next set of 8 after a press of a button. Where do I need to start?
Before making this script I had made another about Macro Controls, for another post which involved the use of Chains. Somehow, either by copying Reactions or still being in that frame of thought, I was still looping through all the Chains and using a Condition to see which Chain was activated, in this script. I removed the Loop and Condition from each Macro Reaction (the ones that Listen to the Slider). If you uncollapse the Loop and Conditions inside those Reactions on the faulty script, you can see it for yourself. Hopefully it will work now with this fixed script.
In my Ableton Live Set it still worked because I was using the one I made for that previous post; it still had Chains in it that were being activated. Just tested it with a new Live Set without Chains and it still worked for me.
I’ve also tested my faulty script on the new Live Set and, as expected, it doesn’t work, but I don’t get the same errors like you’ve gotten, which is a little odd.
I’m guessing that moving the sliders in the broken script made CSS sluggish for you because of the stream of errors?
Maybe the main drawback of Reactions is that you kind of need to think of every situation you might use the Reaction in and make sure it won’t cause trouble. It’s good to have some back and forth about this script because I most likely wouldn’t have caught it otherwise.
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