Automapping layers
I’m an absolute noob and I would like to ask for assistance to set up layered macro automapping.
For instance, my controller would get automapped ( Xtouch mini / Midimix) to the first 8 macro on a device, then switch to the next set of 8 after a press of a button. Where do I need to start?
Hi Glen,
I’m trying to set this up for a Behringer X-touch Mini with endless encoders and led ring.
The parameter switching worked, but there is a but ( as always :D) . As the script initializes I can control the first set of macros, the encoders picking up the values of the device parameters with the led ring feedback. Here comes the catch. As soon as I change the value of the modifier, a.k.a I press the button for the next set of parameters, I’m able to control them but from there the encoders loosing their magical ability to pick up the values and the device is picking up the values of the encoders, so if the device parameters value is lover than the encoders the parameter suddenly jumps up as soon as I touch the encoder.
I tried it with a simplified version of your idea, simply setting up a standard CSS device parameter mapping with the device parameter number assigned to a modifier, then I created two reaction. One sets the modifier value to 1 when the script initializes or button 1 is pressed. the other sets it to 2 if button 2 is pressed. It works with the same results, but when I switch back to the first parameter ( modifier value 1) then the encoder works as indented,
Weird huh? I don’t know what’s going on, I’m doing the depressed Picard face palm
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