Controlling a *selected* chain’s volume, pan and sends
I can’t figure out how to control a selected chain’s volume, pan and sends inside a drum rack. I want it to work just like the ease of making a script of selecting a regular track and controlling these parameters. Is this possible?
admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
I’ve just checked your video again and maybe I’ve got something wrong about how drum pads are set up. I’ve been using a Drum Rack (see Pic 1) to test the script, with which it works prefectly, but in your video I see there are more layers to the Track Folds. So I took a pre-made Drum Track from the Browser (pic 2) and this time, my Controls don’t work.
Now I have something to work with in figuring this out. I’ll come back to it.
admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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