CSS Version 2.6.3 is out – Add Notes and more…
Hi all and a Happy New Year from the Remotify Team!
We have just release version 2.6.3 which adds some great new pieces of functionality to the UI and improves on others:
1. A section for writing notes has been added to the following forms:
– Script Settings Form
– All Mapping Type Forms
– Each Action Block in a Reaction
– Controller Template Settings Form
– All Controller Input Type Forms
2. Duplicate, Move up & Move down buttons are now available for the following sections inside the Reactions Mapping type:
– Action Blocks
– Reaction Conditions
– Reaction Actions
1. The Log Menu now displays current size (in mb) of the log.txt file.
2. Midi Learn/Monitoring can now be turned on/off directly inside the ‘MIDI Message Settings’ section of a controller input
3. Removed on/off button inside MIDI Monitor menu. It is now always monitoring incoming midi signals (no longer displays a red dot when on).
4. Each script in he ‘script import section’ now shows a description, and a link to it’s webpage for more information.
1. In Reactions, all Device Parameter listeners have now been fixed. Previously they were generating incorrect code. See this comment in the forum for more details: https://remotify.io/community/question/looper-status-led-midi-feedback#comment-3056
2. In Reactions, the descriptions for all actions using ‘beats’ and similar action params was incorrect. These have now been updated. More details on this issue here: https://remotify.io/community/question/ableton-fixed-length-recording-without-push-it-possible#comment-2963
What do you mean Ben? are you unable to download and install 2.6.3?
Hi Rodolfo,
I just tried scrolling in a parameter bank with an increment and decrement button and it works over here.
I guess you can always try to downgrade and try your script again. To downgrade just open the previous ControlSurfaceStudio file ( the one you downloaded last time) and you can use version 2.6.2
Wishing you succes!
What is odd, your screenshot says Control Surface 3, mine says 1..
I tried to run the script in 2.6.2, got an EPERM system error, tried it again, no errors now but the incr-decr buttons didn’t work..
I am running out of time right, but tonight I will try again.
What I do really like about the 2.6.3 version; I get no more crashes 🙂
2.6.2 crashed frequently on me when installing the script into Ableton. Resulting in files of 0 bytes.
Didn’t have that happening in 2.6.3 (yet ;)) fingers are crossed.
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