Parkstools One Dial endless encoder

494 viewsCSS Controller Templates

Here’s a CSS script for fine/coarse control of the currently highlighted parameter in Ableton.
I created this for the ParksTool “One Dial Kit” – a minimalistic clickable one-knob encoder. It probably works for other endless encoders as well with some tweaking.
The controlscript comes in two versions:
A) “ParksTool1E Toggle” Click the encoder button to toggle between fine- and coarse adjustments. B) “ParksTool1E Push”: Twist the encoder for fine adjustment. Push down and twist the encoder for coarse adjustment.
Set your Parkstool knob as in screenshot (Parkstool configuration JSON file also attached) and use the provided CSS Controller Template.
Sharing this “as is” in a version that works great for my needs, hoping to save someone some trial-and-error with endless encoder scripts 🙂

ajikgoo Answered question December 29, 2024

I always wish the “currently highlighted parameter control” solutions would allow to actively set the currently highlighted parameter to be the one controlled until another is assigned instead (for example by a click of the button on the controller)… So “control currently highlighted parameter upon button press” is what I am after. This something possible here?

Glenn Verhaeghe Posted new comment December 30, 2024

I’ve looked in the documentation and can’t find a way to get the “selected_parameter”. At most we’re able to get the “selected_device”.

Here’s an alternative suggestion that I think would be do-able: a press of the button activates a mode that cycles through the different parameters of the currently selected device (by “cycling”, I mean you can twist the encoder which will show the parameter index numbers and names in Live’s text box at the bottom). Once you’ve found the parameter you’re looking for, a second press of the button will let you take control of that parameter.

I also think I would be able to add a long-press behavior, for example one that toggles between the last 2 selected parameters. OR the long press behavior could activate the alternative solution that was explained in the previous paragraph, while a short press and release does the toggle behavior explained in this paragraph.

If you have other suggestions, I could look into it and see if I think it’s possible.

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