Sending On/Off Values to a Send encoder in Ableton
Hey Guys,
Stuck trying to send an on/off string to a send encoder in Ableton
At the moment Midi Controller is set to toggle a CC message between values of 0 (off) & 127 (on)
When i set up a string to go to a ‘send track 12’ or Send L the Send track doesn’t work.
When I override the Midi Message in CSS to Absolute then it works but the LED feedback option is not working for me…I set up a reaction with conditions based on the value of the send and sending a MIDI velocity value to the controller input but this causes it to stop working.
Before this I tried a simple on/off over ride but this also doesn’t seem to function for Send Tracks.
Script Attached
Using a Knob
What worked for me was setting the Control Type to Relative, with number of Steps set to 1. I had no problem with LED Feedback set to Default on my MIDI Fighter Twister.
Using a Button switch
If you want to toggle the Send between on/off states using a Button, then you need make sure the Send Range Min value is set to 0% and the Max. value to 1%; see the last comment in this post for more info.
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Thanks Glenn,
So I’ve got it function now with a button – the 0-1% trick worked a treat.
The Issue I am now facing is a soon add LED feedback as an option it overrides the button functionality from a toggle to a Momentary switch.
On the MIDI controler I have it defaulting to Toggle, on the Control Template it’s toggle and on the Switch Override I have it as on off, but as soon as I change LED feedback away from the default and to custom it seems to change to momentary functionality.