VU Meter Issue
Anyone have experience with VU Meters?
Im trying to use the visual feedback as a way to see when a clip slot is playing or not – the problem I have is they don’t seem to be nearly responsive enought.
I have set the Velocity Value ratings as John did in his Youtube Tutorial but the visual feedback is almost no existent.
Im pretty certain the issue lies in the Logarithmic Nature of decibels. The output meter is a scale of 0-1 and the Db scale does not function in a linear fashion. Is there some way to make the Velocity Value response logarithmic?
I have uploaded a video showing the feedback using a simple kick drum.…
As you can see when the kick hits in a 4 fashion it doesn’t move at all. I initially thought this was to do with some sort of delay to the Encoder but as you can see from the video it spikes straight to the top as soon as the kick hits.
Graças as sua dificuldade meu deu uma idéia e conseguir chegar a solução.
segue a foto em anexo de como conseguir. boa sorte!
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