Chain Selection – Chain Number to Modifier

952 viewsCSS Questions

In a Device Parameter Mapping I would like the *Chain Targeting>Chain Number* to be controller by a Modifier (See Attached Screen Shot)

I would like this modifier to output the chain number of the currently active/selected chain in Ableton.

I have attached the current iteration of my script to try and achieve this, I feel like I am close but can’t seem to find the ‘active chain’ condition.

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024

I have now added a condition to select a chain if it is soloed.

Thats a start but i need to have it choose the active chain (selected via automation in the chain selector.)

I need a condition that filters the active chain – been struggling on this for a few days now.

Once I can do that I need to convert the name being printed to CSS to be changed to a position number of the chain in the instrument rack.

(Script attached)

admin Changed status to publish May 22, 2024
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